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Monday, June 27, 2016

Suga Job ID: 1877 : Wanted Database Developers for a Software Company in Chennai.

Suga Job ID: 1877 : Wanted Database Developers for a Software Company in Chennai.

Qualification             :       B.E(CSE) / B.Tech(IT) / B.Sc(CS) / B.Sc(IT) / BCA / M.E(CS) /                                                    M.Tech(IT) / M.Sc(CS) / M.Sc(IT) / MCA Graduates

Experience          :      0 - 2 Yrs.

Salary                   :       As per Industrial Standards

Job Description:

The Database Developer's role is to develop and maintain databases across the organization, while ensuring high levels of data availability. The Database Developer will in addition evaluate and advise on all technology components, such as software, hardware, and networking capabilities, for database management systems and applications. As part of the role they will be responsible for implementing data dashboards to all levels of the organization.
Candidate should have proficient knowledge in the following:
How SQL Query works The concepts of REGEXP functions, Analytical functions, XML handling, PLSQL tables, cursors, Pivot etc. Knowing the Basic concepts like joins, subqueries, group by, inbuilt functions etc. Process of connecting different Databases using synonyms, views, users/schema. Performance Tuning of queries. Analysis of the Data issues and generating a report. Live data analysis for generating the statistical report for each year. Writing night run batches and scheduling for daily, weekly or monthly process. Ability to migrate the code and data from one platform to another (like SQL Server-Oracle, Oracle - SQL Server). Handling of File Extraction/Creation. Retrieve of all the attribute data for each unique transactions/events. Forecasting events through "R" language conversion to SQL. Handling of amount distribution and disbursement process.

Please forward this to your friends who require similar job. Interested Candidates may send resume to: Email: , , SUGA Employment Services is providing Human Resources (HR) and Placement Services, Employment Services to Software / IT / ITES / BPO and other Core industries. You can contact any of our HR Executives given below: Mrs. Thamilselvi - 9176244979 , 9940058497 Mr. Manoj Kumar - 9176631627 Ms. Sruthi - 9884145186 Mrs. Ramya Magesh - 9176871191 Mr. Sugavanam - 9176244989 , 9445437117 Mr. Naveen - 9176611627 We have 500+ clients in Software, BPO, ITES, Banking, Financial Services, Insurance, TPA, FM CG Industry, Automobiles, Construction, Real Estate, Medical industry, Hospitals, Jewelry Industry, Air conditioning and Refrigeration, Electrical wires and Cables, Plastics, Fabrication and Welding, Education and Electronics industry Thanks & Regards Sugavanam N, M.A., F.I.I.I., MBA - CEO & Chief Strategic Consultant - 9176244989 SUGA Consulting Services / SUGA Employment Services Office No.26, TNHB Shopping Complex, 180, Luz Church Road, (Landmark: Near Luz Pillaiyar Koil, Behind 'MAX' Showroom) Mylapore, Chennai – 600004 Mobile: AirTel: 91-9940058497, BSNL: 9445437117 Landline: 91-44-2498-4149 Please visit our Official web site: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SUGA = Success Unlimited Guaranteed Always ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Please visit our blog for Employment Opportunities and Employment Services: Join our us in FaceBook: Please see our Youtube Video Channel:

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